GOLO before and after transformation photo

This Father's Day, I'm going to participate. I'm going to spend quality time with my son.

After losing 195 pounds, Jason’s remarkable GOLO journey is a reminder that it’s never too late to reverse course and enjoy a happy and healthier life.

Jason’s story is absolutely incredible if not heroic. After all, Jason is an American hero who served in the United States Marine Corps and retired after 20 years and multiple overseas deployments.

When Jason started GOLO he weighed 424 pounds and certain daily tasks presented a struggle. He was desperately looking for a way to improve his health and physical condition but knew he needed to lose weight even before he could start exercising. Then Jason discovered GOLO and committed to losing weight and changing his life.

“I really didn't have a specific weight loss goal. I figured if GOLO could help me lose 4-8 pounds per month, become more mobile, and have less pain, then it would be a great success.”

Once he started his GOLO journey, there was no turning back. “The way I look at it, I feel like I took a break from life, and I regret that. It was time to take my life back.”

From the beginning, Jason considered his weight loss journey an investment in himself. “It’s one thing to make the financial investment by ordering the GOLO for Life Plan and Release, but you need to make the emotional investment and commitment to get results!”

In Jason’s case, the results have been a life-changing transformation. “When I started, I thought I could maybe lose about 40 pounds or so, which I would have considered a success. But with GOLO, I’ve lost 195 pounds! I recently attended a symposium for work and wasn’t recognized by a colleague I’ve known for six years!”

Photo of Jason holding the pants that he used to wear.

Today, Jason is living life to the fullest and remains committed to his healthy GOLO lifestyle. His weight loss has impacted his life both professionally and personally. He is excited to begin a new job, is maximizing the time he spends with his 19-year-old son and is once again enjoying his favorite hobby — fishing.

“My son and I enjoy spending more time together. We’ve gone fishing and have done some really fun stuff like going to Comic-Con and GalaxyCon.”  Jason adds, “I keep reflecting on my doctor telling me that if I didn’t radically change my diet and lifestyle there was a chance that I wouldn’t live to see my son graduate or walk down the aisle. It’s remarkable how far I’ve come.”

Jason takes great pride in saying this Father’s Day will be special. “In the past, my son and I would bond over food. We’d order unhealthy food, then we would eat together and I’d fall asleep in the chair. This Father’s Day, I’m going to participate. I’m going to spend quality time with my son.”

Jason’s zest for life has returned and he has even introduced GOLO to his son, who has lost 77 pounds so far. “My son and I do GOLO together. We follow the Smart Card for our meals and are active together.”

In addition to inspiring his son, Jason also wants to share his personal journey with other GOLO members in hopes that he can help someone who may be at a crossroads.

“There were times when I needed a pick-me-up. I remember going onto the GOLO Private Facebook Group and reading posts for motivation. One member said, ‘You were driving your own car and look where it got you. Why not let GOLO drive your car for a little while?’

This hit home for me because GOLO works. Once I made the commitment and read the literature, I followed their plan and started seeing results.”

For Jason, the GOLO for Life Plan has helped him create a sustainable lifestyle. “I look forward to making my GOLO meals every day. I mostly gave up alcohol, but I treat myself to the occasional beer on the weekends as a reward. And I’m not a gym rat by any means, but I exercise about 2-3 times a week.”

Jason’s hard work has paid off, and a recent doctor’s visit put it all in perspective. His bloodwork has drastically improved and his blood pressure medication has been reduced to the lowest dosage.

All of us at GOLO are extremely proud of Jason and are cheering him on as he continues his wellness journey.  The next step along his path will be a day walking the boardwalk and creating lifelong memories with his son this Father’s Day.


Visit GOLO.com to access all the weight loss tools GOLO has to offer!

1-800-730-GOLO(4656) support@golo.com

GOLO is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any illness or disease. This blog provides general information and discussion about health and wellness related subjects. The words and other content provided in this blog, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. GOLO encourages you to consult a doctor before making any health changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition. All opinions and articles linked to and from this page are those of the individuals concerned and do not necessarily represent those of GOLO, LLC or its employees. No responsibility can be accepted for any action you take or refrain from taking as a result of viewing this page. GOLO will not be liable for any errors, losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information. These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.

Tagged with: Holidays, Success Stories